Greenlawn Cemetery in Drumright Oklahoma has graves dating back to the early to mid 1800s. Little is known about this cemetery. It is now also known as Drumright South Cemetery.
We were contacted by a local to check out this cemetery as there were reports of a little boy ghost that would roam around the cemetery in distress because a man who murdered him was also buried there. We were never able to prove or disprove these claims. We went with the hope that we could help the little boy not be scared any longer, or help him to cross over.
Due to the sensitive nature of the story, viewer discretion is advised.
The story we were told by the local was a member of the KKK named Albert Wesley McMurtry wanted to lynch a black man that lived in town. A little white boy by the name of Kenneth Garven Williams saw Albert in the act. Albert go so upset that this boy had seen him and didn’t want him to get in trouble that he murdered Kenneth in a fit of rage. Albert was hanged 2 years later after being tried for murdering Kenneth. Again we cannot confirm this, but from the photos of their two headstones it is plausible.
We at TOPS do not condone racism in any form and we hope that the man who was lynched is resting peacefully in the after life. Our condolences go out to that man and to Kenneth and their families.
"Go back"

Albert’s headstone with his KKK affiliation on it

Kenneth’s headstone showing he was murdered
A photo of Kenneth that we found from

This particular video was taken Halloween 2003 at this cemetery. It was our first investigation before TOPS was formed in 2004. There were no children out trick or treating and you can see the timestamp is almost 10pm when the video starts. At 23:50 in the video, we had stopped at a gas station to fill up and noticed child’s hand prints on the car.
There was a fresh grave at the cemetery when we pulled in and made note of it. The handprints on the car were not made out of a print where the print took dust away from the car, but rather the prints were made out of dirt themselves.
Please keep in mind we were very young in this video so there is some silliness and Amanda was scared at the time. She has calmed down since then. haha