Before requesting an investigation from us, please make sure that you:

(1) truly want our assistance with investigating the paranormal in your home or business

(2) are the property owner or have direct access to the property owner of the location you are requesting us to investigate

(3) have discussed and have approval from all family members/residents/stakeholders of the property you are requesting for us to investigate

All of our services are free to our clients.  Please keep in mind the reviewing process can take days if not weeks to go over, as we review everything in real time. For example, 8 hours of audio on 3 different devices is 24 hours of audio that has to be reviewed. We strive to go over all evidence in a timely manner and not take longer than 2 weeks. We feel this is sufficient time to review, compile and put together a CD/DVD for each client and present to them during the reveal.

Please fill out the complete form

Is this a home or business?

Do any of the occupants feel the activity is threatening?

Has there been any unexplained movement of objects?

Do all of the occupants agree on what is happening?

How did you hear about us?